Board of Directors
Meet some of the people that help make the Traditional Archers of Oregon possible.
Riley Savage
Owner of Archery Past and traditional
bowhunter. Hillsboro, OR
Nancy Doran
Longtime TAO member and traditional bowhunter. Redmond, OR
Jeremy Depiero
Vice President
Longtime TAO member and traditional bowhunter. Dallas, OR
Matt Starley
Social Media
TAO member and traditional bowhunter, Astoria OR
Mike Porter
Longtime TAO member and traditional bowhunter. Woodburn, OR
Bob Bourland
Field Governor
Co-host of the TradQuest Podcast and traditional bowhunter. Damascus, OR
Jim Akenson
Board Member
Carson Brown
Board Member
Jon McCoy
Board Member
Walt Miller
Board Member
Rich Thompson
Board Member
Board of Directors
Jim Akenson / Carson Brown / Tyler Hays / Jon McCoy
Don Mendez / Walt Miller / James Orr / Rich Thompson
The Traditional Archers of Oregon are not only about a personal commitment to traditional archery, but maintaining and growing a community of like-minded shooters who share their skills, and knowledge with one another.