The Traditional Archers of Oregon are composed of people with a strong interest in promoting and shooting the longbow and recurve bow.
Whereas we feel that in the proliferation of modern archery, traditional equipment is being forgotten, and
Whereas this mechanization is moving archers and bowhunters farther from the involvement in archery by not encouraging the making of equipment by the shooter, and
Whereas in speaking of traditional equipment, "Their constant use by man for untold ages has bred within him a love for their beauty, grace and power, appealing to the better qualities of his heart and mind,"*
Therefore in the tradition of Hill, Pope, Young, Ullrich and Stevenson and all those who have left us in Oregon a rich tradition of archery.
We then unite to form a traditional archery organization.
*Taken from the constitution of the POPE YOUNG ARCHERS OF OREGON
These are the thoughts that galvanized a close knit group of traditional archers at the Green Valley Archers range in Dexter, OR under a yew tree, May 12th in 1984. This meeting was an outgrowth of a statewide survey that asked, among other items, "Is a traditional archery organization needed at this time?" Although informal, the meeting or "gang of 17" was spearheaded by Dave Doran. The main agenda and concern was that modern technology was being applied to archery gear at an alarming rate, making archery "easier" and ultimately increasing success. This, of course, resulting in game managers being forced to reduce recreational opportunities archers had come to enjoy. The meeting lasted for several hours and the first officers were elected. They were: President -Allen Boice, Vice President, Rourke Brown, Secretary-Treasurer, Dave Doran. Several names for the group were proposed and discussed and the name we now have was chosen.
The logo was the result of several ideas, but Kirby Records submitted the best design. A professional artist tweaked the design and it remains today as it has for over 35 years. Member George Trager submitted a picture of a longbow and quiver leaning against an old outhouse, with the slogan, "Getting Back to Basics", but it wasn't chosen. In fact, George and Bill Sweetland joined to keep track of this bunch of upstarts, not sure of where we were going.
The Traditional Archers of Oregon was formed to represent the interests of traditional archers at the state level with Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, Oregon State Police and the International Bowhunter Education Program.
Promote the use of traditional archery equipment when hunting and target shooting. We also have a great time!